Creating your fist invoice

Learn how to create your first invoice with a few clicks on

Sign in

Visit and head over to dashboard. There you will be prompted to connect your wallet and sign a message to authenticate into the app.

Create Invoice

Head over to "Create Invoice" from the sidebar. If you don't have a profile yet, you'll be prompted to create one.

Customer Details

The first section is "Customer Details" this includes data like :

  • Customer's name*

  • Customer's email*

  • Customer's Address

  • Customer's City

  • etc.

Payment details

The second section is "Payment Details" here you will have to input:

  • Customer's EVM Address

  • The chain on which the payment will be done

  • The currency in which the payment will be done

  • The due date of the invoice ( which also acts as the date on which the payment stream will be finished on )

  • Due Date

  • Invoice Items

Stream type selector

Next you will have to select the type of stream

Only linear streaming is available at the moment. With more to come soon.

Confirm the invoice data

In the final step you will be presented with the invoice details and the "Create Invoice" Button

Upon clicking the Create Invoice button you will be asked prompted to sign a message. This signature is responsible for creating the invoice request on Request Network learn more here :

Upon successful creation of the request, you see this message & the customer will receive an email with the invoice information and a link to pay it.

Congratulations 🎉 ! You just created your first invoice

Last updated